Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Ending Muslim Immigration Simply Makes Sense

Islamization is no longer just a European problem. It's been rearing its ugly head in America for over 10 years.

Because The Left has joined forces with The Muslim Brotherhood, our "progressive" media does not normally inform the public of the problems caused by Islamization. Therefore, the job of educating the public to the threat of radical Islam has been left to patriotic grassroots organizations and citizen journalists like the late Andrew Breitbart. 

One of the solutions to the problem that needs to be implemented as soon as possible is for American government to drastically limit immigration from "muslim" countries.  Pressure needs to be applied to our elected leaders. "Progressives" will call such an immigration policy "racist", "xenophobic", "bigoted", or paranoid; but, in fact, it's simply the application of common sense.

Unless AMERICA has some legitimate need to import even more Islamists---along with all the havoc they cause---why should we continue to do so?  Not all Muslims are Islamists, but all Islamists are Muslims.